frequently asked quesitions > Wardrobe Consultation > do I have to do anything to prepare for a closet consultation?

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Yes. In order to ensure that our buyer can quickly and easily assess your wardrobe needs you need to do the following before the appointment. 

1. Organize your closet from the most worn items to the least worn or never worn.

2. If possible, seperate the items that you know you wish to sell from the wardrobe that you intend on keeping. Any other items that our buyers see while assessing your wardrobe that may be eligible to sell or consign will also be taken out. 

3. Fill out the traitor lifestyle questionaire. This will help our buyer to determine the items that you will need to keep in your wardrobe, as well as help them determine which items to purge.

4. If you have any questions about fashion, garment care, fit, construction ect. feel free to write them down before hand. Our buyer will answer all of your questions at the time of the consultation. Many times your questions will lead the buyer to determine what is right for you to keep and what you should sell. 

5. Be prepared to try on garments while our buyer is there. Many times fit will determine whether something is kept or purged.